Monday 24 January 2011

Stanbye Childrens Movie Poster

Created movie poster from children's film called Standbye. Ideas by Chris Dean, Haran Timana, Adam Dean and Sam Pearson. Photo edited by Sam Pearson.

We were set out to think of a new idea for a film in our chosen genre of film. Ours was Children's films. After some deliberation we thought that we may of chose the wrong genre. Despite that Chris Dean thought of an idea at which there was a world in which all of the electrical appliances were controlled by small creatures who lived in these appliances. The main reason for the use if the title being 'Standbye' is due to the fact that the leader of the small creatures left, therefore the use of 'StandBYE' and the creatures would not be able to cope and therefore the world will be in standstill as for the humans would not be able to use everyday appliances.

The reason for which the leader left was because the humans were leaving the appliances on standby which still uses energy. The main reason for incorporating this is to leave a message to the viewers to try and teach children not to leave items on standby. We found this appropriate as for this story is highlighted alot in today's media. At the top of the poster, it illustrates 'from the creators of living toasters' this is used because that was one of our original ideas in which people lived in toasters. We scrapped this idea as we thought it could not sustained.

We planned the poster in rough which looked very similar to the final piece, we wanted the Television to stand out, we also added a pattern on the TV to give it the standby look. We wanted to show the creatures to give the viewers a better image of the film. As you can see they all look individual with one wearing a crown to emphasise that he is the King which eventually leaves.

As a children's film I think that we were very successful in delivering a good, entertaining film which can be viewed by the parents as well as the children which would also be able to release a sequel in a later date.

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