Daylight Macabre is a thriller directed by Ben Hume, edited by Jake Hipwell which also stars Sam Askey and Alex Hyden. The opening scene above shows me as an extra during the party in a variety of shots. I appear numerous times such as, when playing poker and situated along the wall. The reason for starring in the thriller was because Ben, being the director, wanted to have extras to attend a halloween party. I decided to help because they are my friends and it also made the scene look more realistic by incorporating a large amount of people to portray a party.
The basic plot to Daylight Macabre is a teenage boy (Jake) who attends a halloween party. He finds that he cannot fit in with the crowd and becomes lonely throughout the party. During the scene it shows the boy being sick in the toilet aswell as others drinking and smoking, this helps the mise-en-scene look realistic. Eventually it portrays the teenage boy lying dead on the ground outside, when another party boy notices and alerts the others of his death. Another shot shows the suspected killer, however, his identity is hidden due to the fact that the full length thriller would consist of trying to find the identity of him and his motives into why he killed the teenage boy.
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